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ADX Energy Limited has signed a contract with Dietswell SA for the provision of the Sedlar-160 drilling rig to flow test the Sidi Dhaher-1 oil discovery in Tunisia

Kenya struck oil for the first time after exploratory drilling by Anglo-Irish firm Tullow Oil. The discovery was made in the countrys northwestern Turkana region

German oil and gas company Wintershall has restated its commitment to post-Gaddafi development in Libya as it looks to ramp its oil production in the country back up to pre-revolution levels

Oil and gas companies in Nigeria are paying the highest “country premium” of all the major oil and gas production centres as they attempt to meet growing demands for senior staff, according to executive search firm The Curzon Partnership

Serica Energy has announced that BP will be joining Serica in the exploration of License 0047 offshore Namibia by farming-in to Sericas interest

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