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PetroChina is could be set to invest in exploration blocks in Liberia and may also invest in several other African countries following the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with African Petroleum Corp

Tullow Oil has announced the discovery of oil and gas reserves in the Wawa-1 exploration well, situated in the Deepwater Tano Block offshore Ghana

East Africa oil and gas company Wentworth Resources Limited has announced its purchase of Cove Energy’s participation interest in Tanzania’s south-eastern Mnazi Bay Concession, following approval from the Tanzanian government 

Exxon Mobil and Shell are set to sign partnership agreements with Algerian state-owned Sonatrach, as the company aims to boost foreign investment in shale gas exploration, according to Sonatrach chief executive Abdelhamid Zerguine

African Petroleum Sierra Leone Limited has been provisionally awarded an offshore exploration permit covering block SL-4A-10 offshore Sierra Leone

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