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Africa Energy, an oil and gas company with exploration assets offshore South Africa, has announced that the Odfjell Deepsea Stavanger semi-submersible rig has left Bergen, Norway for South Africa to start the upcoming Block 11B/12B multi-well drilling programme

Atlas Petroleum has resumed work on OML 109 in Nigeria to improve production from the marginal field of Ejulebe

Timipre Slyva, junior minister, petroleum resources and chairman of the governing council of the Nigerian Content Development Board (NCMDB), Nigeria’s special purpose local content body, has inaugurated the new governing council of the board with a request that the content programme of the Nigerian government should be vigorously pursued

The Nigeria LNG and the Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board (NCDMB) met to compare notes and elaborate details on the local content component of the US$7.6bn Train 7 project signed in May 2020

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