AIM-listed SDX Energy, a MENA-focused energy company, has completed drilling at the MSD-21 infill development well on the Meseda field in its West Gharib concession, Egypt
Senegalese President focuses on managing oil and gas revenues
Senegalese President HE Macky Sall has initiated historic dialogue with civil society and other political actors on the management of revenues from the West African country’s oil and gas Industry
Rystad Energy: Global oil and gas discoveries in 2021 to hit lowest full-year level in 75 years
Global oil and gas discoveries in 2021 are on track to hit their lowest full-year level in 75 years should the remainder of December fail to yield any significant finds, according to Rystad Energy analysis
IEA: Oil market recovering from a historic collapse, rebound seen in coal power generation
The International Energy Agency (IEA) has released their Oil 2021 and Coal 2021 reports which indicate that the global economy and oil markets are recovering from the historic collapse in demand caused by the coronavirus pandemic in 2020 and that the economic recovery is driving global coal power generation to a record this year, with overall coal demand to a potential all-time high as soon as 2022
Genel Energy signs farm-out agreement with OPIC Somaliland Corporation
Genel Energy has signed a farm-out agreement with OPIC Somaliland Corporation (OSC) relating to the SL10B13 block, Somaliland, with all its share of future capital investment coming from CPC Corporation, Taiwan, the state-owned enterprise of Taiwan