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Denmark’s Maersk Oil is looking to sell a part of its deepwater Chissonga project stake in Angola

Norwegian oil and gas firm DNO International has been granted a two-year extension on its production sharing agreement for Block SL18 in Somaliland

TransGlobe Energy has announced the discovery of a Lower Nukhul oil discovery at NWG 3, a gas/condensate test at North Dabaa 2, and has been awarded a new concession in Egypt’s Western Desert

Camac Energy Kenya has granted seismic contracts for the acquisition of 2D seismic surveys on Block L1B onshore Kenya and Block L16 partly onshore and partly offshore Kenya

Global Petroleum’s wholly-owned subsidiary Jupiter Petroleum (Namibia) has received a 12-month extension on the initial exploration period of Petroleum Exploration Licence No. 29, which covers blocks 1910B and 2010A in Walvis Basin offshore Namibia

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