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The West Africa-focused independent oil and gas exploration company African Petroleum has announced that it will drop its production sharing contracts (PSC) in Liberia after failing to extend its production sharing contracts for offshore blocks LB-08 and LB-09

The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) has revealed that 224 companies have submitted bids seeking to be awarded contract to purchase and lift its crude oil grades for the 2016/17 term

The end-of-mission report by International Monetary Fund (IMF) Article IV consultation team in Angola states that output growth in the country will pick up by 1.25 per cent in 2017

Canadian Overseas Petroleum Limited and ExxonMobil have commences drilling on the Mesurado-1 exploration well 

Especially in times of unpredictable oil price fluctuations over the recent years, tank terminals are experiencing a boisterous development. All over the world new tank terminals have been built and more are planned, to meet the growing demand for crude, and refined oil products

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