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In a deal worth nearly US$1bn, Glencore has entered into an agreement with Off The Shelf Investments Fifty Six (RF) Proprietary Limited (OTS) to acquire from OTS a 75 per cent stake in Chevron South Africa Proprietary Limited and certain related interests and  the entire issued share capital of Chevron Botswana Proprietary Limited, following closing of OTS’s exercise of its pre-emptive right to acquire the Assets from the Chevron group, coming days after securing a larger stake in Latin Americas top zinc miner

Aiteo has announced the appointment of Bruce Burrows as its global group chief financial officer (CFO), with effect from 18 November 2017

Sparrows Group has formed Sparrows Offshore Ghana Ltd, a Joint Venture (JV) with local partner Hydra Group Limited, aiming to deliver crane, lifting and inspection services in Ghana

Over 5,000 world energy leaders, stakeholders, and executives will converge in Kuwait for the third Society of Petroleum Engineers Kuwait Oil & Gas Show and Conference (KOGS 2017) in October for 4 days of strategic dialogue and business opportunities

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