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As Nigerian lawmakers pass petroleum bill, Mansur Mohammed, from Wood Mackenzie’s sub-Saharan Africa upstream research team, stated there is still work to do

Decom Engineering’s latest R&D investment has updated its Pipe Coating Removal (PCR) equipment, which cleans decommissioned or surplus pipelines of multiple coatings, so they can be repurposed for use on other projects

PetroNor, the independent oil and gas exploration and production company with a focus on sub-Saharan Africa, and Panoro Energy ASA have agreed to further extend the completion long stop date for the previously announced purchase of Panoro’s fully-owned subsidiaries that hold 100% of the shares in Pan Petroleum Aje Limited (Pan Aje)

Tight LNG market conditions are expected to persist in 2021 on the back of resurgent demand, with only a limited easing of availability in 2022, according to a global forecast by ICIS

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