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Lloyd’s Register (LR) has secured a contract for Human-Machine Interface (HMI) engineering services - part of an integrated scope awarded to Wood by Equinor to support Hywind Tampen, a floating wind farm to power offshore oil and gas platforms

This project forms part of Equinor’s climate ambitions to reduce the absolute greenhouse gas emissions from its operated offshore fields and onshore plants in Norway by 70 per cent by 2040 and to near zero by 2050.

Tristan Chapman, senior vice-president clean energy and innovation at Lloyd’s Register, said, “The Hywind Tampen project addresses some of the industry’s biggest challenges – a key one being the integration of digitisation and decarbonisation.

“The work we are undertaking, providing design consultancy for the existing OCR and human factor analysis, will help support Equinor’s wider decarbonisation agenda. By developing unmanned solutions for power generation, the industry can start to make some real cost savings.”

By 2030 this implies annual cuts of more than five million tonnes, which constitutes around 10 per cent of the country’s total CO2 emissions.

As part of this project, LR will provide consultancy design services for integration into the existing onshore wind control room (OCR) for Hywind Tampen, which will be co-located with an existing OCR for Valemon, a normally unmanned offshore installation in the North Sea. The LR team will also provide human factor analysis for the new OCR, as well as existing OCRs for four platforms.