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Event News

Offshore West Africa 2011

GHANA IS RECOGNISED as one of the most promising exploration regions in West Africa, which perfectly fits the 2011 event theme - Discover New Frontiers in West Africa Offshore Challenges.

p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">GHANA IS RECOGNISED as one of the most promising exploration regions in West Africa, which perfectly fits the 2011 event theme - Discover New Frontiers in West Africa Offshore Challenges.

Meeting world energy demand and supply mix: The role of Africa

IN THE PAST 33 years, the Society for Petroleum Engineers Nigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition has attracted over fifty thousand of E&P industrys greatest minds within and outside Africa.

p>IN THE PAST 33 years, the Society for Petroleum Engineers Nigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition has attracted over fifty thousand of E&P industrys greatest minds within and outside Africa.

Libya-Gas 2010 Forum to be held in Rome

THE ITALIAN CAPITAL, Rome, will play host to the Libya-Gas 2010 forum devoted to the review of guidelines and prospects in the gas industry, Libyas National Oil Corporation (NOC) has announced.

p>THE ITALIAN CAPITAL, Rome, will play host to the Libya-Gas 2010 forum devoted to the review of guidelines and prospects in the gas industry, Libyas National Oil Corporation (NOC) has announced.