
Uganda’s oil and gas industry in focus at Kampala conference

Uganda International Oil & Gas Summit (UIOGS) is all set to be held from 25-26 September 2019 in Kampala, Uganda, focussing on the entire oil and gas value chain in the region

Hosted by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development, the event is set to gather more than 400 C-Suite – director level attendees for advanced VIP meeting scheduling, a two-day government-led conference programme and series of high profile networking events.

UIOGS 2019 is expected to feature an unparalleled government line up redevelopments across the Homia – Tanga pipeline, licencing round data room, Uganda refinery project and a raft the raft of activities across the Albertine Graben.

The final date for bid submissions is 20 September and UIOGS will host an exclusive round up on all submissions on 25 September. The bidding process will take five months and result in the negotiations and signing of production sharing agreements between Government and the successful bidders.

The licensing round is expected to be concluded with the award of Petroleum Exploration Licenses to successful firms by December 2020.

The programme aims to examine the future of oil and gas exploration and production in Uganda, setting out the government’s vision and implementation for sustainable, long term development and bringing them together with potential private sector partners and other stakeholders, to share announcements and successes and discuss any hurdles that have been encountered.