
Thailand gears up to be 'the energy hub for Asia'


Dr. Areepong Bhoocha-Oom said “Thailand 4.0 means opportunity and the transformation in the energy sector of the country as well. As we move more closely towards an improved energy system, energy production and consumption must adapt radically to ensure the demands of growing populations are met, whilst ensuring cleaner and more efficient delivery is achieved. While renewable and other carbon-free energy will play a primary role, the importance of fossil fuels, in particular natural gas, in delivering the cost-effective and immediate requirements of Asia’s growing demand cannot be ignored. Fossil fuel & renewable energy can certainly form the core elements of a transition to a cleaner & more sustainable energy future for Asia”

He affirmed that holding Future Energy Asia exhibition and conference in Thailand reflects Thailand’s continuous efforts to promote new projects, attract investments in the energy sector, and consolidate communication with foreign investors and large international corporations, which are foremost on the investment opportunities map. The event will act as a collaborative effort to publicise Thailand’s new policies and readiness as an investment hub and showcase Thailand’s potential to become the sustainable energy hub for Asia, as it transitions to Thailand 4.0. 

He added “We are delighted to host Future Energy Asia 2018 and look forward to the interactions with its delegates for the continued improvement of the global energy sector. The decisions and relationships built will foster a collaborative and economically viable energy future.” 

From his part, Mr. Christopher Hudson, President of DMG Events Global Energy, the company responsible for organising the ‘Future Energy Asia’ presented the plans for the event. He explained that “The 3-day exhibition and conference is dedicated to advancing future energy, energy efficiency and clean technology. Going by the overwhelming response from the global events dmg organises such as ADIPEC and Gastech, the event promises to be the most sought after meeting point for Asia’s stake holders to discuss, debate and embrace future energy scenarios and solutions concerning long-term global energy policies.”

“Thailand is clearly a growing market with huge opportunities, and ‘Future Energy Asia 2018’ presents the first opportunity for local, regional and international energy companies across the full value chain of this promising sector to come together and create a blueprint for the future energy security of Asia. This inaugural Show will provide an opportunity for global buyers and sellers to display their products and services on the exhibition floor, and to establish alliances and partnerships. The conference represents an unparalleled opportunity for the global energy industry to explore the opportunities and challenges of the exciting Asian market" he said. 

Along with the conference and exhibition, the event will host strategic Ministerial meetings, an ‘awards ceremony and fund’ that will support research and development in energy and social programs on all the days to facilitate networking with peers, business partners and key stake-holders in the energy sector.

Commenting further on the conference element of the show, Mr. Hudson added “The Conference will not only address the technical aspects of gas, oil and renewables, but also host discussions addressing the challenges facing the industry to include both business and political issues. Some of the key topics include ‘delivering power to grids’, developing efficient and smart electricity distribution and transmission networks, lighting up Asia’s cities: next-generation power generation strategies and technology and ‘creating a blueprint for a harmonious fuel mix: maximising the use and efficiency of fossil fuels in conjunction with carbon-free energy’”.

“We are extremely grateful for the support and understanding we have received from the Ministry of Energy of Thailand in ensuring the inaugural Future Energy Asia 2018 is a success. Having the Minister himself as Event Chairman underlines Thailand's commitment to bringing energy security to all..” concluded Mr. Hudson.

Future Energy Asia is also supported by Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau (TCEB). “TCEB, as a government organization dedicated to developing Thailand’s MICE industry, is pleased to support Future Energy Asia 2018.  Thanks to DMG Events for the trust and confidence in Thailand to anchor the show for the first time in 2018 at Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Centre (BITEC). Thailand’s trade exhibitions are well recognized as a high-potential marketplace and gateway to emerging business opportunities in ASEAN, Asia, and the world. With Thailand’s ASEAN-centric location, ease of doing business, TCEB’s strong network of local and international alliances, and the Thai government’s clear, forward-looking policy on energy, we are positive that locating Future Energy Asia in Thailand will be a contributing factor to its success, and that the show will be able to play a more effective role in connecting all key stakeholders in the development of ASEAN’s energy sector” said Mrs. Jaruwan Suwannasat, Exhibitions and Events Director, TCEB.

Future Energy Asia 2018 is the latest expansion in dmg events' Global Energy Division conference and exhibition portfolio, which includes some of the world's largest and most important events, including the Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference (ADIPEC), Gastech in Barcelona, and the Global Petroleum Show (GPS) in Canada.