
Punta Europa gas operators committed to zero flaring

Delegates at the APPO Cape VII conference, being held this week in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, took a field trip to the Punta Europa Gas complex on Bioko Island

At the introductory presentation, delegates were told that the plant, which is managed by Marathon Oil, Atlantic Methanol (AMPCO) and EG LNG, does not flare any gas. The gas processed at the plant is used to produce butane, methane, methanol, propane and LNG, as well as fuelling an electricity plant which produces up to 135 MW, and bottled onsite to meet local needs. A spokesperson for the plant told delegates that any excess gas is injected back into the wells to maintain the pressure instead of being flared.

He added that the reserve base at the Alba field should last 25 years. Production commenced at the plant in 1991. Methanol produced at the plant is exported to Europe and the US, where it is mainly used as a feedstock to produce plastics and chemicals to improve the quality of gasoline. Using a four-step production process, the methanol produced at the plant is 98.5 per cent pure. The methanol is shipped every two weeks.

As well as producing electricity for the wider community, the plant produces its own electricity and nitrogen to run its operations.