
Event News

Sparrows Group wins award for its skills development programmes

Sparrows Group has received the SPE’s Outstanding Skills Development Award at the Offshore Achievement Awards (OAAs) 2020

Nigeria Oil & Gas Conference & Exhibition to take place virtually in November

The Nigeria Oil & Gas Conference & Exhibition (NOG) will take place virtually on 2-3 November 2020, with the next full event to be held in June 2021

ADIPEC Energy Dialogue: Up to 80 per cent of plant shutdowns to be mitigated through digitalisation

Leveraging the synergies created by the convergence of electrification, automation and digitalisation can create significant cost savings for oil and gas companies when making operational and capital investment decisions, according to Dr Peter Terwiesch, president of Industrial Automation at ABB

Webinar highlights South Sudan’s commitment towards its oil and gas sector

South Sudan, set to capitalise on renewed peace, has pegged 2020 as a year of stability and economic growth, underpinned by the country’s revived oil and gas sector

South Sudan to promote energy investment with webinar and South Sudan Oil & Power event

South Sudan has set 2020 as a year of peace and growth, underlined by the formation of the unity government as well as its active oil and gas sector and sizeable exploration opportunities

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