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Egypt Petroleum minister to speak in Juba at South Sudan Oil & Power

Tarek El-Mulla, Egypt’s minister of petroleum and mineral resources, will participate in the South Sudan Oil & Power (SSOP) conference along alongside South Sudan’s Minister of Petroleum Awow Daniel Chuang, on 29-30 October

Under the theme ‘Focus on Finance’, SSOP 2019 is set to explore the challenges and means of financing projects, attracting new investment, and investing in facilities. In addition to finance, the conference will examine community development, environmental issues, and oilfield technology.

Together, South Sudan and Egypt produce 850,000 bbl of oil production per day – almost 90 per cent of the entire production of the Nile Basin region of north-east Africa.

The announcement comes in the wake of a major new oil discovery in the Adar oilfield in Block 3 containing more than 300 mmbbl of recoverable oil.

Guillaume Doane, CEO of Africa Oil & Power, said, We are very excited to confirm Tarek El-Molla and a delegation from Egypt to this year’s South Sudan Oil & Power. The participation of Nile Basin countries and stimulating regional trade is a big priority for this year’s conference. Egypt has a tremendous technical experience that can deliver significant value to South Sudan’s petroleum and power industries.”

“The Ministry of Petroleum is committed to working closely with its partners to make available the significant opportunities in the South Sudanese oil and gas sector to new entrants,” Minister Chuang said in an invitation to Egyptian companies to visit Juba for SSOP.

Minister Chuang will announce South Sudan’s 2020 oil and gas licensing round at two strategic conferences this October: Africa Oil & Power 2019 in Cape Town, South Africa, on 9-11 October and South Sudan Oil & Power (SSOP) 2019 in Juba on 29-30 October.

The Minister will also announce a tender for an environmental audit for the country’s producing oilfields at the SSOP conference.