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Mark Guest sees hiring trends increase across oil & gas sectors

The Kenya Petroleum Refineries (KPRL) has signed a Sh27bn ($13.5mn ) loan agreement with Barclays Bank for the installation a 10 megawatt power plant at a refinery and replacement of the aging pipeline

Foster Wheeler has announced that a subsidiary of its Global Engineering and Construction Group has been awarded a contract by Engen Petroleum Limited (Engen) for engineering, procurement and construction management (EPCm) services for Engens new multi-products pipeline feeder lines and infrastructure project at Engens Durban refinery in South Africa

Offshore Solutions BV (OSBV) has been providing 24/7 personnel access for Pearl 1 Platform – one of two platforms providing offshore gas to Pearl Gas to Liquids (GTL) project in Qatar - since the completion of sea trials in December 2010

p>Offshore Solutions BV (OSBV) has been providing 24/7 personnel access for Pearl 1 Platform – one of two platforms providing offshore gas to Pearl Gas to Liquids (GTL) project in Qatar - since the completion of sea trials in December 2010

Skilled oil and gas workers will be in high demand as Libya prepares to turn on the production taps again, an industry recruitment player believes

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